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15 avril 2015

Un appel de No Peanuts

Les ennemis du régime cacahuète (tendance « anonyme et aux droits non reconnus ») ont encore frappé. Quelle engeance.

Désolée, je n'ai pas le temps de vous traduire ce qui suit et vous le livre donc en anglais.


Dear No Peanuts! Endorser:

Translators who translate for the publishing industry are losing copyright to their work in alarming numbers.

Recent research, for example, shows that translators’ copyrights are “rustled” out of their hands one third of the time in trade and commercial publishing—and eighty percent of the time in university-press publishing.

No Peanuts! has mounted a campaign to pressure publishers to change their policies.

That’s the reason for this email  Will you take action to join our campaign against Copyright Rustling? (We apologize if you’ve already seen this appeal. If that’s the case, could you pass it on to a colleague?)

Here are some ways you can take part:

          • Sign the petition at https://www.change.org/p/publishers-of-english-language-t....

          • Share the petition with your colleagues and friends and ask them to sign. The petition effort will only be effective if large numbers of translators, readers of translations, and other supporters sign up to say they think translators’ copyrights ought to stay in translators’ hands.

          • Read “Something Is Rotten: Let’s Put A Stop to Copyright Rustling” at https://nopeanuts.wordpress.com/resistance/stop-copyright...

          • Retweet No Peanuts! messages on Twitter (follow us, if you haven’t already: @No_Peanuts).

          • Send your own Tweets about this issue to your colleagues and use the hashtag #CopyWrong. (Addresses can be found in Copyright “Rustling” in English-Language Translation: How Translators Keep (and Lose) Rights to Their Work—Data from Translations Published in 2014; http://tinyurl.com/lzpz2cm.)

          • Blog about this issue.

          • Bring this issue up on translator forums, on translator mailing lists, and at conferences and meetings of the translator associations you belong to.

          • Demand that translators’ organizations do their jobs and advocate for translators against “rustling.” Silence is not neutral.

          • Write copyright-rustling publishers and ask them to change their policies. (Addresses can be found in the _Copyright “Rustling”_ report, http://tinyurl.com/lzpz2cm.)

           • When you see reviews of translations in print publications or publicized on Twitter, Facebook, on blogs or elsewhere, find out whether the translator’s copyright has been rustled. If it has, say something!

Mutual respect always. Copyright rustling never!


Par chance, il reste des amoureux des textes pour savoir qu'ils ne se traduisent pas tout seuls. Quelques exemples ici et .

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